Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Winter Wonderland....

Welp. WE had a BIG ice storm...AGAIN!! was very bad. We lost electricity on Sunday at noon. We finally got it back yesterday afternoon!!...So I am back to the modern world.
I am for certain that I would've made a LOUZY pioneer woman. I refused to use the bathroom in the"Great Outdoors" when we had no electricity. For 1 it was FREEZING cold!..2 I try to refrain from using the outdoors as my own personal bathroom, no matter how great it is!..
I also was going crazy without the T.V. and Internet. Losing electricity shows me how much that I really do appreciate the priveledges that I have.
I also was finally able to take a shower again!..PRAISE THE LORD!!...
I hate going without showers. But the best part about the shower was, it was HOT!

WE are forcasted to get some snow now...snow doesn't bug me as much as the ice does, although if I had it my way, It would be about 80 degrees right now!..
I have been out of school 3 days this week. It has been a nice break, and I never thought I would say this, but I want to go back. THe more snow days we have, the more we have to add on at the end of the year. And, well, IM READY TO GRADUATE!...Plus, Im ready to get back to the powerlifting boys. Yes, I miss school, but I miss Erin, and the powerlifting boys more!!!...

But I finally get to look cute again tonight!!...I get to go to church!!..YES!!..I love going to church, and that means that I have to dress up in my preppy clothes. Or my cute clothes! I get to take another HOT shower, and fix myself up, so I look cute!!..
(at this point, there can never be too many showers that I take!!!)

Welp, I'll ttyl!!
XOXO, Aubrey!
~13 days till Christmas!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

It's been a while....

Okay so it's been longer than a while...its been a long time....but

Football has come to an end. We finished the regular season with only 1 loss. And we made it to playoffs...we were among the top 8 teams in Oklahoma in class 3-A football..It was so exciting. We really did have dreams of becoming state champs. But for some reason, we had an off everyone does once in a while.

There were approximatly 50 football boys once all the freshmen moved up. And I love MOST OF EM...they are so dear to me.

They put me and the other 3 watergirls through a lot of stuff, but it was worth it. Not to mention that we gave it right back. No matter how much they picked on us, we loved every minute of it.

We played on a Saturday night. After the game all the football boys were crying, especially the Seniors. I started crying right then and there..when I realized that I wouldnt get to spend time in practice with all of them again. I was crying in front everyone. I left the fieldhouse crying, cried all the way home, and cryed myself to sleep. And i bet you can guess what i did the next day. Yup, I cried...almost anytime someone said anything to me about football at church...I cried..I cried before church, during church, and after church...just at spuratic moments...It was the most I remember crying in a LONG time....

It was really hard checking in football equipment, the Monday following the game. The Seniors had to check everything in, and they couldn't reserve anything for next year. It was so hard, and I almost started crying. AGAIN!!....

Someone told me that i was spending too much time with the football boys, and that my life had become focused around football. I told them that when i committed to something I stuck to it..But i figured it up one day, and counting the hours and days I got to spend with my football boys...well I let u see for yourself.

I spent 90 days with the football boys. That includes: spring training, Summer 2ADays, season Practice, 2 scrimmages, 12 football games, and the 1 funday that we had.

I spent over 350 hours with the football boys. I'd say I was definitly committed. But I loved every second of it.

I still miss them very much, and whenever I see my favorite ones, I always give them a hug...and tell them I miss them.

Onto something else. Thanksgiving was, do you say it,...AMAZING!!!!!!...I was full for like a week, and get full at the thought of it.
We had dinner at my Aunt Kathy's house. And boy, can she ever cook...but she had made something special for me that i had requested.
About a month before Thanksgiving I asked her if she would make a blackberry cobbler this year since I don't like Pecan of Pumpkin pie. And she said she would think about it.
Well, after I finished eating, I walked into the kitchen, and she walked in with a BLACKBERRY COBBLER!! was THE BEST EVER!!...
This was also my 2 new cousins, B and N, first Thanksgiving, since they have come home from Russia. It was all very new to them, and they loved it. Neither one had ever had blackberry cobbler before, and I let B try some, and he loved it almost as much as I do. He sat down, and I guarantee ate as much of the cobbler as I did...So for Christmas, I think I am going to make a Blackberry cobbler for just me and him!!...
Speaking of Christmas, Christmas is going to be at my house this year.
Normally on Christmas Eve day I have 2 Christmases. In the morning, we go to my papa and stepgrandma's( my dad's dad and stepmom) house. All my dad's family comes, and we have Christmas Brunch. Then on Christmas Eve night, we go to my Mama's house.(my dad's mom)..and all my dad's family comes. We have so much fun. My Aunt Kathy makes Lasagna for dinner, and we read the Christmas story of Baby Jesus before we open presents.
Well this year, both Christmas Eve Christmases are at my house. My papa's and mama's.
I don't know why we're having papa's at our house this year. But Mama's house is really small. Plus she had cancer this year, and get tired very easily.
So every one will be at our house all day. My mom's brother, Uncle Marvin, and my 2 cousins are coming in from Pennsylvania, the Sunday before Christmas.
On Christmas Day me and mom and dad, and then Uncle Marvin and Megan and Alana, will open presents at my house. Then we will go down to Uncle Paul and Aunt Amanda's house later that afternoon. I always love going down there. Aunt Amanda overdoes herself, and we always end up with a "Martha Stewart" type Christmas.
Then the day after Christmas, my mom's other Brother, Uncle Warren, and his wife, Aunt Jerusha, and there 3 kids...will come up and spend a couple of days with us.It should be quite fun!!..
We are still in the process of decorating. We are trying to decorate EVERYTHING this year, since everyone will be at our house. We have the tree up and all the lights on it, but we are still looking for our ornaments. Our stockings are hung..(with care..I might add!!)..and there is garland EVERYWHERE!! mom has made bows for the wreaths and garland. Our lights over the mantle haven't been hung yet, but we will get to it. There is going to be Garland with lights on the piano as well. My mom also bought some 4 foot blow up peguins for outside, although she hasn't put them up yet, in fear that my lovely outside dog, Frankie, will end up thinking they are a chew toy!!...
Dad and I are suppose to go Christmas shopping on the 15th. THis should be fun because dad dreads going to the mall, and well, that's where I have to shop!!!...
Christmas should be fun this year, I am so excited. My cousins, B and N, have never had a real Christmas, and you should expect to see lots of pictures!!...
In other news, I STILL havn't got a new car. I've been about 130 days without my car. Although I am driving one of my dad's pickups. It gets me around, but this time without my car makes me appreciate the time that I had it. And there's nothing like having your own car. But dad has called Gerald Tipton to see what a Toyota 4runner would cost, and we are planning on going and talking to him soon. We are also going to look for 1 when we go Christmas shopping on the 15th. And may even test drive 1 or 2!!!..yay!!..
I promise I will start posting regulary again!!...
XOXO, Aubrey

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Changes at Church

Well our Senior Pastor at church is retiring on October 14th. The elders, board members, of our church decided that our youth pastor now would become our new senior pastor. When I found this out, I was happy, but I immediatly started crying. I have formed a relationship with my youth pastor, his wife, and kids, that not many people at our church have; so I was sad to see them leave the teen department. But them moving up to "big church" means that we get a new youth pastor.

In fact there was a y.p. canidate here this week with his fiance. They are from Cincinnati, OH; his name is Ryan, and her name is Shaina. They are such a sweet couple and said they had a fabulous time while they were here. I don't know if they are the right people, but I believe that God knows if they are. Whether they are or not, we met some great people this week, who I hope we will get to know well.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

2 and 0

WEll, we had our second football game last night. We played the Nowata Ironmen...and my Hornets kinda had me worried during the first half again!!...

During the whole first half Nowata led; the score being 0 to 3...but again they must've had an excellent "inspirational" talk that got them going in the 2nd half.

The final score ended at 14 to 3. Vinita!!!...

Oh, but I forgot to mention, that it rained almost the whole game!!!..not with lightening, or even a heavy rain, but it was just a steady little rain throughout almost the whole game...we were "wet" by the end of the, that's about all..ttyl!

Saturday, September 1, 2007

Okay, We had our first football game last night, and since I am 1 of 4 water girls, It was my job to keep them hydrated, and the sweat off their faces.
But being the first game of the year, we also had a pep assembly. Erin, Erica, and I were so excited, because this year, being trainers and all, we got to sit with the football boys!!..and were recognized...The pep assemblies are always so much fun; there's always a contest between all the classes to see who is loudest and proudest!!, that the Senior Battle Cry...that's right, we were the loudest...and it only took us 4 years!!lol...
Anyways, I had so much fun. We beat the Jay Bulldogs 41 to 14....I knew we were going to do fine, although my Hornets did have us worried at the end of the 1st half. Evidently they had a great 1/2 time speech, because we went from 14 to 41 all in the 2nd half. Oh it was so much fun.. Here are the 4 trainers..from left to right...Erica, the junior...and then Erin, Becca, and Me...the 3 Seniors...we have so much fun together, and laugh so much...They are pretty much some of the bestest friends that I have....Well that's about all just thought I'd share the great news with you!

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Doing Better

Ok, so my Grandmother is actually doing much better for someone in her situation. They moved her to a nursing home, what will be a week tomorrow. Although upset about this, she is still doing considerably better.

My aunt had told her about 3 days before they put her in the N.H. that they were going to do so, but she did not remember. And when she finally did realize where she was, she told them that they shouldn't have done this without telling her. My aunt tried to explain that they had told her, but my G-ma also said they still shouldn't have done this to her. My aunt asked her, "Well what where we suppose to do, take you home, throw you on the couch, and say 'There you are?'..." My G-ma replied, "No, you could've taken me and pushed me off a cliff. It would've been better than this."...Although this was somewhat of a sad comment, she does, atleast, have a little bit of her sense of humor back.

Thanks for all the prayers. and TTYL

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Fly to Jesus

Well, my grandmother still isn't doing too well. They moved her to a nursing home yesterday, and she's not doing too well. She keeps talking about the cemetary, and asking to see people. They don't think she will last too much longer; they keep saying her body is so worn out.

A song comes to mind thinking about it. It's called Untitled Hymn by Chris Rice. One of the lyrics says "And with your final heartbeat/ You kiss the world goodbye/ Go in peace and laugh on glory's side/Fly to Jesus/ Fly to Jesus and Live. It makes me cry everytime I listen to it, but it's one of my favorite songs. It reminds me that God is there throught everything; even this terrible situation.

I don't know what I will do without my dear sweet Grandmother. There will be a huge hole in my heart, but I know she will be in a much better place, with my Grandfather, and our great Savior.

Thanks for all the prayers.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Everything seems so wrong.

Do you ever feel like suddenly everything is going wrong?..Well that's kinda how I'm feeling now. My great grandmother isn't doing too good.

I called my dad after church last night and asked him if he had gone and saw her. He said he hadn't but told me that my Papa said she was getting weaker. I immediatly started crying. He told me he was gonna go see her and that he'd meet me at the hospital. When I got there she was sitting on the bedside commode..(or however you spell it..) and was in so much pain...
It's so sad to see her in that much pain...But I don't know what I'd do without her...But Lord knows I don't want her to suffer.

They're going to move her into a nursing home tomorrow, and when my aunt told her the other day, she said that she could just see her face change and the realization come to her. It's so sad, it makes me cry everytime I think about it. Because part of me knows that she won't do that good in a nursing home. She'd rather be at home.

But all we can do is pray. And well, that's one of the things I do best, and enjoy doing. So please pray for her.

I guess that's all. More later.

Sunday, August 19, 2007

High School....AND College??!!!!

Well since I'm a Senior this year, I decided to take a couple college classes earning me a few hours...(actually ten to be least the 1st semester..)
I am taking Biology I, Comp I, and American History..(online..)..

Yesterday was the welcome back day at NEO, so the book store was open to get the books for my classes. One of my friends from Welch is also taking classes online, so they were waiting inline too...well anyways, I got my books, ID, and parking permit...I have to go back tomorrow and pay my tuition....classes actually start tomorrow, and so, I guess I'm ready...

Back to High School for a minute....Calculus has gotten a little better...probably because I actually came home and studied...and because Dad gave me an exceptional motivational speech..(or lecture, if you want to look at the glass half ways, IT MOTIVATED ME!!!.... =)

So far being a Senior is great...see ya... =)

Friday, August 17, 2007

Senior Life So Far...and more!

Well being a Senior is pretty fun...getting to park in SR. parking, getting to cut in front of the underclassmen, and not to mention being pretty popular...Plus I get to sleep in till about 8:30 everyday...(I mean I don't have to be at school till 10:40) this part is pretty good. It's the concurrent classes I'm worried about. They start Monday and I don't have my books yet; but neither do have the other SR.'s..but I'm not so much worried about College Bio. and Comp's the ONLINE American History that I'm worried about. I might have to get my book for AH Monday morning and then order the other books for the other 2 classes online. Which is what I very well may do.

My classes at school are doing great. I only have 3 so that helps a little...(actually that helps A LOT!)...and 2 of them aren't even that hard; Chorus and Boys Athletics..(football trainer/ water girl..) tough class is Calculus. I think it might eventually get better, but for now, I don't like it all that much. Maybe it's because I'm so use to being able to get stuff done so easily, and I actually have to work on it...but I think it will get better...(I'm praying!)

Speaking of Boys Athletics, we had our first football scrimmage was really fun. I've grown to love the other trainers...specially Erin and Becca..(probably because they are seniors..)...and I've also grown fond of the football boys, the are really nice to us...(but probably because we basically work our butts off for them...and b/c we're their only source of water during practices/games...but who cares, they still love us!!!!)...

On another note, my 96 year old Great Grandmother fell and broke her hip last Sunday...actually they admitted her for a fractured pelvis..(according to the 1 xray)...but the other day they did a CT Scan on her, and realized that she actually broke her hip, fractured her pelic bone in 2 places, and basically crushed her pelvis...PLEASE be praying for her...she's so small and frail..when they admitted her she weighed 84 pounds...the doctors said that it normally takes a young person months to heal from this amount of trauma...but we're believeing and praying she will be okay. She is doing much better..(Thank the Lord)...she's eating now... they couldn't get her to eat for a few days...but my mother got her to eat Chicken Noodle Soup today, and Orange Sherbert yesterday; My Aunt got her to eat some Jello yesterday; and my Dad got her to drink a small Braum's strawberry she is doing exceptionally well for someone in her condition...

Well, that's about all..ttyl!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Football Practice at the end of the Rainbow???

Today's practices were pretty good...the weather was really nice this morning. In fact, we even got sprinkled on...but while we were in football practice, before the rain, a beautiful rainbow came out, and we all took time to notice it...The rainbow is a reminder that God will never destroy the world with a flood again..(for the few of you who didn't know that!! could it also mean a winning season for the famous Hornets???...(just a thought to ponder.)..

This evenings practice was a little tougher than the mornings. It was much hotter...we started sweating before practice ever started....but we did our duty and kept our football boys well hydrated!!!.. =)

One of the cool things about practice, is that the head football coach's wife brings popsicles in the morning for the football players and trainers...But what's really neat, is that our superintendent brought us popsicle "stingers" in the evening....(We call them "stingers" because we're the Hornets who are expected to sting everyone we play this year...) we've got to have a popsicle at almost every practice!!...I will be spoiled by the end of football season...(And it never fails, I spilled popsicle on me everytime I've had one this week!!!)

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

2-A-Days to Football

Well..this year I decided to be a football trainer; for the one and only famous VHS Hornets!!!!....We started 2-a-days was really quite interesting and I had more fun than expected.

There are 3 other trainers besides myself...Becca and Erin, they're both Seniors too...and then Erica, she's a junior, but we still like

The first practice was at 8 o'clock this morning...that was fun...(after getting to sleep in until at least eight all summer this was a big change)...I got there at about 5 till...I was pretty early....but then the coaches told us we needed to be ready to go by to be there no later than 7:30...uggh....oh well...the early bird gets the worm...right??!! =) Practice lasts about two hours...its not too bad on us trainers...

After the morning practice, I had to run a few errands for dad...(more than a few actually!!)...and then I needed to eat...I hadn't ate all day, and I think that was the reason for my ginormous headache!! in telling Dad that I had this headache, he told me that I could go home and sit under the air conditioner!!!... =) (I have officially become a wuss when it comes to the sweet A.C.!!!)
Later I headed back to our 6 o'clock evening practice we was again another 2 hours...but for some reason, the evening practice wasn't as bad...but I haven't a clue why...

At about the end of practice, our Superintendent showed up and had a special treat for not only the football players and coaches, but for the trainers as well!!....we got POPSICLES!! have no idea how long it has been since I have had a popsicle!! was so good...and I even spilled it on my like I use to when I was a kid!!lol....

Anyways, all in all, practice was good. The football boys are great to get along with; the coahes are nice; and the other 3 trainers are such great friends!!...It made for a great day, no matter how tired I am...

Monday, August 6, 2007

Life outside the Country.

This summer I've learned new things about myself. I had the amazing oppurtunity to go to New York City. That is a big change compared to where I come from.

Okay, let me start from where you can understand a little better.

Our Church/Youth Group took 11 people on a Missions trip to Brooklyn, back in June. We went out with Metro Ministries (also known as Yogi Bear) and did Sidewalk Sunday School with kids from all over. There were actually 16 different teams that went out, but my team went to the Bronx, a.k.a "the Projects", both days. I had an incredible time with all the little ones. There were some of the most adorable kids I had ever seen. The missions trip part taught and showed me how much I am blessed.

Anyways, we stayed in Brooklyn for 2.5 days, but after that we had the luxury to go sightseeing and staying in Manhattan for 2.5 days. We had a PHENOMENAL time here. It was so different than were I come from. I mean 3 million people on 1 block compared to 300 people tops who actually live here. It was just amazing. But the thing that makes me wonder, is that I actually could see myself living in a place like that...It's so weird. I love living on the farm, but sometimes I wonder what's outside of it. I can't hardly think about it without crying though. I mean I'm the 8th generation on the land that we own/live. I look at all the hard work my dad, grandad and great-grandad have done, and I feel like I would be letting them down if I go off and leave it. I'm about the only grandkid that even shows interest in running/living on it. But I still can't help but wonder....

This feeling may go away after I get out of college. I may not be able to wait to move back to the farm.

My dad tells me the story of when he was 17 and he couldn't wait to get off the farm and go live in the city. But then I look at him now and see that the farm is what he loves to do. He hates going to his other job in Tulsa and would quite in a heartbeat.

For now, I don't know. But God will take care of everything, this is one thing that I am sure of.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

A New Beginning I'm going to be a Senior this year!!..This brings mixed emotions to me....I'm excited because I get to go off to college, but I'm scared..not about having to make new friends, I already had to do that when I transfered schools my freshman year....see the old school I went to only went to 8th grade, then in highschool you have to transfer..It was me and one other person out of my class of 14 that went to Vinita....I had to make lots of new friends..But I did, and I love I'm not scared about leaving my friends...It's the getting out on my own...deciding what to do with the rest of my life...I mean Aug. 17 is the last first day of school and the beginning of the rest of my life.

And to top it all off, my Bestest friend in the whole world is leaving and going to college...Ok so you might think that I should learn to do stuff on my own...well I can live with that, but after all she is my Best Friend...She's only going to Okmulgee, but still she'll be in school almost year round...when will I have time to see her??...I'm happy for her, don't get me wrong, but I just don't want her to go off and forget about me.

Okay that's all my feelings I feel like expressing right now...ttyl.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

About Me a lot of people in my family have been starting blogs so I decided to start one too...They say that people that write and express theire feelings are happier..I just like here it goes.

I live on a farm in rural can't even call it a town because their is no post's more like a village. It has 3 stop signs, a convience store, beer shack, and fire department/ambulance barn...oh and the school...that's what downtown consists of...

Anyways...I help my dad with the chores around the farm...we have about 300 head of Mama cows, and 200 babies...that's a lot in case you don't know....

I love going to church, and playing the piano for my youthgroup...we have way too much fun. Even though I have fun at church, it's ALL about GOD...we give everything to him...we are so blessed in so many ways...He's the reason I get up in the morning...when the band plays, we pray everytime before praying and ask that he will open the hearts of the kids...but we also tell him that we play to an audience of one...and all we do is lead kids in praise and worship...

Anyways...I play golf, and I will be a trainer for the football team at school this will be TOO much fun!!....

That's all I can think of right now...ttyl