Saturday, September 1, 2007

Okay, We had our first football game last night, and since I am 1 of 4 water girls, It was my job to keep them hydrated, and the sweat off their faces.
But being the first game of the year, we also had a pep assembly. Erin, Erica, and I were so excited, because this year, being trainers and all, we got to sit with the football boys!!..and were recognized...The pep assemblies are always so much fun; there's always a contest between all the classes to see who is loudest and proudest!!, that the Senior Battle Cry...that's right, we were the loudest...and it only took us 4 years!!lol...
Anyways, I had so much fun. We beat the Jay Bulldogs 41 to 14....I knew we were going to do fine, although my Hornets did have us worried at the end of the 1st half. Evidently they had a great 1/2 time speech, because we went from 14 to 41 all in the 2nd half. Oh it was so much fun.. Here are the 4 trainers..from left to right...Erica, the junior...and then Erin, Becca, and Me...the 3 Seniors...we have so much fun together, and laugh so much...They are pretty much some of the bestest friends that I have....Well that's about all just thought I'd share the great news with you!

1 comment:

Lea said...

Yay!! Congrats on your first win! I'm glad you are having so much fun and have made such great friends. That's wonderful! I miss you kiddo!