Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Baby It's Cold Outside!!!

ahhh!!..I think it be a little chilly outside!!...It reminds me of one of my favorite Christmas songs...Baby It's Cold Outside!!...I find this song extremely hilarious, yet I don't know why!!..But what I found funnier was as I was walking to Saga for lunch today (saga=cafeteria) they were playing it on the speakers outside..I find this ironic, because it is cold outside today!!..The wind is really bad!!..But anyways..they were playing the version that has Frank Sinatra singing..Old Blue I love to hear him sing...but I kinda started dancing by myself...Swing Dancing to be exact..I was so excited to hear the song!!.. =) Yes, I am a dork, and I never claimed to be I didn't lie, and Im telling the truth!!!
In other news, it seems like all I do lately is sing, sing, sing, and write papers. Singing is wonderful, papers not so much!!.. =P
Today was Christmas chapel, and the Christmas choir I am in, sang, along with several of the other choirs. We sand 3 of our songs. The Jazz and Wind Ensemble also preformed in chapel today, and they were really good as well. But I think the most amazing part was my piano teacher...he played a piano solo, and my jaw dropped open...again. He played it for me yesterday during my lesson. Anyways, he is really good..he was bustin out some 1/64th notes!!..Not even kidding!...hmm.
Anyways, I have been singin ALL week..we had Oratorio (christmas) choir practice on Monday, had Christmas chapel today, have practice tomorrow, the ORU Family Christmas program Friday, practice again on Sunday, and then we preform Monday nite @ one of the area high schools. This is a really busy week; it is considered dead week, the week before finals, but in all reality it's HOPPIN!...and I only have 2 finals next week, but they will be over by Monday!..yay!!!..My RA is checking me out of my room for this semester on Tuesday and I will be on my way home!!..For almost a month!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! can u believe it!!..IM SO EXCITED!!...
anyways..I better go, I have Oral Comm in 30 min.!!..(btw, I made an A on my persuasive speech!! =])


Jana H said...

Hey you. It's good to hear all is going well. What is the day of your last final? I get out the 18. We should get together and do something when we're both home. I can't wait to see you for more than an hour since how the past two times I've seen you have been very small visits. Write me back. Love you.

Jana H said...

Hey, I was just wondering when you had to go back to school after the break. But yeah, going to Lea's would be great.