Sunday, August 19, 2007

High School....AND College??!!!!

Well since I'm a Senior this year, I decided to take a couple college classes earning me a few hours...(actually ten to be least the 1st semester..)
I am taking Biology I, Comp I, and American History..(online..)..

Yesterday was the welcome back day at NEO, so the book store was open to get the books for my classes. One of my friends from Welch is also taking classes online, so they were waiting inline too...well anyways, I got my books, ID, and parking permit...I have to go back tomorrow and pay my tuition....classes actually start tomorrow, and so, I guess I'm ready...

Back to High School for a minute....Calculus has gotten a little better...probably because I actually came home and studied...and because Dad gave me an exceptional motivational speech..(or lecture, if you want to look at the glass half ways, IT MOTIVATED ME!!!.... =)

So far being a Senior is great...see ya... =)

1 comment:

ChandraJoy said...

Hey Aubrey! It is nice to know that you have a blog too! I like being able to keep up with everyone! Mine is I'm glad school is going well! I'll talk to you soon!