Saturday, August 25, 2007

Fly to Jesus

Well, my grandmother still isn't doing too well. They moved her to a nursing home yesterday, and she's not doing too well. She keeps talking about the cemetary, and asking to see people. They don't think she will last too much longer; they keep saying her body is so worn out.

A song comes to mind thinking about it. It's called Untitled Hymn by Chris Rice. One of the lyrics says "And with your final heartbeat/ You kiss the world goodbye/ Go in peace and laugh on glory's side/Fly to Jesus/ Fly to Jesus and Live. It makes me cry everytime I listen to it, but it's one of my favorite songs. It reminds me that God is there throught everything; even this terrible situation.

I don't know what I will do without my dear sweet Grandmother. There will be a huge hole in my heart, but I know she will be in a much better place, with my Grandfather, and our great Savior.

Thanks for all the prayers.

1 comment:

Lea said...

Wow, what a song. That one would definitely make me cry too.

I hope your senior year is going great and you are enjoying your courses. That's great that your dad gave you a pep talk (or lecture:) that motivated you! Whatever it takes, right??

Miss you dearie!